Thank you for choosing to place your order with us. We accept Visa or MasterCard over the telephone, during our regular business hours, however, If you would rather that we contact you, please use this form. It can be used 24/7. Fill out this form completely, telling us what you would like, tell us the best time for us to call you (during our business hours is best), and we will do so. When we call, we will inform you of availability, and total cost, (as described on our POLICIES page) and take your credit card information. PLEASE!... include what SIZE you need if applicable!
You may use this space if you have any additional instructions, or comments, that you would like to add.
What time may we call you?
Credit Card Billing Address:
PLEASE NOTE: Your credit card may be charged an additional $15.00, if you provide the wrong address, or spelling of your street, and UPS has to make a correction. Your address MUST be EXACT: Street, Road, Avenue… Get it?
Please Click One Time Only!
I have read, understand, and agree with the terms & conditions on the POLICIES pages.
DO NOT put your Credit Card Info. on this form. We will call you for that!
(Please remember to have your credit card handy, for when we call.)
Please Note: We will promptly contact you at or close to the time that you ask us to. If we don't, then it means for some reason, we did not get your order. If this happens, please call us at 908-862-9071, or E-Mail us.
If you have trouble submitting, you may E-MAIL the info on this page to us at: